
Well from my personal perspective. Loneliness sometimes stems from being needy, when a person is waiting for “a someone”, to bring happiness to them to make them happy. But when you find activities and plan to look forward to them, then loneliness takes a back seat.
Here’s what i do : I swim and go kayaking summer and winter once weekly each one. I also exercise x2 weekly in my lounge room. I also sit and do either meditation or mindfulness x2 weekly. That’s the way i start each morning. I might spontaneously go to a cinema or a walk for a few km’s depending on the weather.
Its very easy to get into a habit of looking at yourself in a negative way, if you’re say overweight or feeling depressed or tired….
But trust me just getting out to go for a short walk will start you off, it gets you moving with new thoughts. There are even part time courses avail. From cooking pottery painting. I’m occasionally called to sit for a drawing group who draw from a model. I don’t get paid much at all and i certainly don’t need the money. But I’ll go just to listen to the participants chatting, look at their work, have a coffee with them…there is soooo much available you just need to want to start…

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